Accreditation and Authorization

Phrear School of Theology courses and educational programs are designed to offer to the student, in-depth Biblical study for personal development and Biblical knowledge for ministry preparation in response to the call of God for ministry to the body of Christ. Phrear School of Theology provides only educational programs for religious vocations and cause, training in the faith and doctrine of the evangelical full gospel tradition as a Full Gospel Assemblies school of theology.


Phrear School of Theology is the Full Gospel Assemblies church fellowship school of ministry for the preparation of students in the faith and practice of the church for lay ministry, and the licensing and ordination for ministers and pastors. Phrear School of Theology actively pursues the recognition and development for students and graduates entering into the full gospel ministry of missionary service, community and workplace evangelism, and congregational ministry throughout the world. Students, ministers, pastors, and congregations may obtain information for and join hands with Full Gospel Assemblies by going to

Chaplaincy Ecclesiastical Endorsements

FG chaplaincyGraduating students receiving clergy license or ordination with Full Gospel Assemblies, and preparing for Full Gospel chaplaincy ministries, are referenced to the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches, 2715 Whitewood Drive, Dallas, TX 75233 for ecclesiastical endorsement approval for appointment as civilian and military chaplains.


Accrediting is defined as to give authorization to, approval of; to confer credit or authority; as an envoy. A school receives accreditation and oversight from an accrediting body after meeting the requirements of that accrediting association or agency. Accrediting bodies will often be unique and focused on specific areas of accreditation.

While Maranatha Full Gospel Bible Institute and subsequently the Phrear School of Theology previously held independent non-governmental recognized accreditation since 1989, PST began the process for acquiring accreditation with a CHEA-recognized agency in early 2018.

In this interim period of non-accredited status by an outside agency, PST, as the Full Gospel Assemblies school for theological training, is and will remain under the ecclesiastical oversight of the Council leadership of Full Gospel Assemblies for its approval, authorization and recognition. PST seeks to demonstrate credibility through compliance with generally accepted collegiate accreditation standards and through the fruitful lives and ministries of the students who attend. Being under the ecclesiastical oversight of the FG Council allows PST to maintain its dependent relationship with Full Gospel Assemblies in support of its function and purpose: to raise up pastors, leaders, missionaries and evangelists for the work of the gospel in coordination with the local churches therein. As such, Full Gospel Assemblies assures that the PST training programs fully meet the educational requirements for licensing and ordination within its church fellowship.

Earned Degree Designation / Application

Degrees earned at Phrear School of Theology are designed for religious purposes and life experience in the instruction of the breathed Word of God (2Timothy 3:16-17) only. Phrear School of Theology degrees may not be used to gain public employment or promotion. Where a state and/or federal law accepts or restricts a Phrear School of Theology degree for usage in limited contexts, it is to be understood and accepted that not all states accept degrees approved by exemption within another state or issued by institutions of higher learning, not accredited by a United States Department of Education for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) approved


Phrear School of Theology is a religious educational institution of Full Gospel Assemblies Int., operating in the State of Florida pursuant to a verification of exempt status granted by the Commission for Independent Education, as specified in the Section 1005.06(1)(f), Florida Statutes and Rule 6E-5.001, since 2019. Additional information, student career information, student complaint filing, consumer and school information may be located at


FLDOE logoCommission for Independent Education
325 W. Gaines ST, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL 32399850-245-3200